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Students Compete to Design Green Stormwater Management Systems

Release Date: 10/02/2014
Contact Information: Robert Daguillard, [email protected], (202) 564-6618

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is engaging teams of college students to develop green infrastructure system designs to manage stormwater runoff in its third annual Campus RainWorks Challenge. Registration ends Oct. 3.

Stormwater is one of the nation’s most significant challenges to water quality. It pollutes our nation’s streams, rivers and lakes, posing a threat to human health and the environment and contributing to downstream flooding.

Since 2012, more than 300 student teams have entered the competition. These teams, working with faculty advisors, develop green infrastructure project proposals for their campuses. These projects show how managing stormwater at its source can benefit the community and the environment.

Competing teams have until Dec. 19 to submit their entries. Student teams can win up to $2,000 in prize money and faculty up to $3,000 for green infrastructure research and training.

For more information on Campus RainWorks, go to
For more on last year’s Campus RainWorks Challenge winners, go to