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U.S. EPA Finishes Cleanup At Cadie Auto Salvage In Belvidere, Ill.

Release Date: 12/07/2010
Contact Information: Jayna Legg, 312-353-0562, [email protected]

No. 10-OPA146

Chicago (Dec. 7, 2010) --- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 announced today the completion of an emergency cleanup of hazardous materials at Cadie Auto Salvage in Belvidere, Ill..

The site, located at 1451 McKinley Ave., previously was used as an auto hauling and salvage yard until the business closed in 2007. EPA contractors removed approximately 250 compressed gas cylinders and 60 drums and other containers.

More than 90 different known or suspected chemicals were transported to facilities that specialize in hazardous waste disposal. Other contaminants included waste oil and about 760 gallons of flammable liquids. Additionally, contaminated soil was excavated and transported for disposal.

The cylinders were originally owned by Environmental Technical Services Corp., formerly located on Revlon Drive in Belvidere. ETSC went out of business in 2003, when it’s believed the containers were transported to the site.

Although the drums and containers have been removed, some environmental issues remain, including petroleum contamination. The site is near residential homes and a school. Tests of local wells did not show any contamination of drinking water.

EPA spent approximately $320,000 on the cleanup, which it will try to recover from the potentially responsible businesses.

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