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EPA and Landowner Agree on Restoration of Kenai Salmon Rearing Stream, AK

Release Date: 05/21/2007
Contact Information: Steve Roy, 206-553-6221, [email protected] or Tony Brown, 206-553-1203, [email protected]

(Kenai, Alaska – May 21, 2007) Daniel Krogseng, a owner of private land located just north of Beaver Loop Road, Kenai, Alaska and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have agreed on a strategy to restore a salmon rearing stream and nearby wetlands. EPA issued Mr. Krogseng an Administrative Order to resolve a Clean Water Act violation for unauthorized dredging and fill activities that occurred in the summer of 2006.

The EPA complaint alleges that Mr. Krogseng used heavy equipment to discharge excavated fill materials into wetlands for the purpose of diverting Boat Launch Creek to the northwestern boundary of his property without a required Clean Water Act permit.

The agreement on a Restoration and Mitigation Work Plan to restore damaged wetlands near Boat Launch Creek includes:

  • Restoring in-stream juvenile salmon habitat;
  • Restoring wetland hydrology and functions;
  • Eliminating erosion from the ditch to Boat Launch Creek;
  • Filing the excavated ditch on the northwestern boundary of the Site;
  • Returning stream flow to the original channel of Boat Launch Creek
  • Stabilizing the channels of Boat Launch Creek where it meets and/or crosses the ditch

According to Marcia Combes, EPA’s Director of Alaska Operations, this action demonstrates the importance of securing the proper permits before working in wetlands.
    “Our action in this case happens to coincide with the 17th anniversary of American Wetlands Month,” Combes said. “The month of May is a special opportunity for EPA and our partners in the federal, state, tribal, local, non-profit and private sectors to emphasize wetlands and their role in the ecosystem. Wetlands protection is essential, since they are vital to our nation’s ecological, economic and social health.”
      For more about EPA’s wetlands protection work, visit:

      For more information about Wetlands Month, visit: