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Logansport Municipal Utilities agrees to EPA order to cut emissions

Release Date: 03/10/2009
Contact Information: William Omohundro, 312-353-8254, [email protected]

No. 09-OPA028

Logansport Municipal Utilities agrees to EPA order to cut emissions

CHICAGO (March 10, 2009) - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 has issued an administrative consent order under the Clean Air Act to Logansport Municipal Utilities, Logansport, Ind. The company has agreed to reduce emissions from its two coal-fired boilers at Eighth and Race streets by burning low-sulfur coal. The facility has also committed to spending $400,000 on environmentally beneficial projects.

Last September EPA sent Logansport a notice alleging that it had exceeded its emission limit for opacity, the amount of light obscured by particulate matter (smoke, dust, ash), from its boilers in violation of federal and state regulations. The allegations stem from visible emission readings conducted by an EPA inspector last July.

EPA and company representatives met last October to discuss the allegations.

Inhaling high concentrations of particulates can affect children, the elderly and people with heart and lung diseases the most.

Information about EPA Region 5's air enforcement program is at Potential environmental violations may be reported at

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