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Idaho Hotel Builders Penalized for Clean Water Violations

Release Date: 1/5/2005
Contact Information: Kristine Karlson
[email protected]
(206) 553-0290

January 5, 2005

The Northwest office of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has reached a settlement with Premier Homes, Inc., and Scott Hedrick Construction, Inc., for failure to control storm-water running from their projects at the Hampton Inn and Comfort Inn sites, respectively, in Meridian.

Premier Homes will pay $6,000 and Scott Hedrick Construction will pay $4,000 for violating federal Clean Water Act rules that require construction sites larger than one acre to apply for a National Pollution discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit and to prevent run-off from polluting local lakes and streams. Uncontrolled and sediment-laden storm-water from the two sites polluted nearby Five Mile Creek.

“It’s no secret that storm water runoff from construction sites can harm water quality,” said Kim Ogle, EPA’s Waste Water Enforcement Manager in Seattle . “The rules changed last year to require these construction sites to obtain permits and do what is necessary to prevent runoff from their sites from entering nearby streams and creeks. We did extensive outreach to educate the regulated community about the new requirements.”

“These violations – especially after more than a year of education and compliance assistance in the Boise area – are troubling.”

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