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EPA Investigating PCB Leak at Wilsonville School

Release Date: 7/28/1999
Contact Information: Bill Dunbar
[email protected]
(206) 553-1138

July 27, 1999 - - - - - - - - - - 99-29

EPA is investigating PCB leaks in fluorescent light ballasts at Wilsonville School in Clackamas County.

Teachers at the school contacted EPA about a June 10 fire in the housing of a schoolroom’s fluorescent light.   The teachers indicate they were directly exposed to material that may have contained PCBs and maintain other incidents during the past school year may have exposed children to the PCBs as well.

An EPA investigator has been to the school to conduct sampling.  At least one of the numerous samples tested positive for PCBs. The remaining samples are at EPA’s laboratory for analysis.

Enforcement action against the school is possible.

EPA has received unconfirmed reports of previous fires and continued leaking of the PCB-laden light ballasts.  Fluorescent light ballasts containing PCBs have not been manufactured since 1977.

The public should be aware that light ballasts of this kind are found throughout older schools and older buildings and leaks are not uncommon.  

EPA Contacts:

Mike Bussell

 Director, Office of Waste & Chemical Management  (206) 553-4198

   Mike Watson

 Senior Toxicologist
       (206) 553-1072
       Dan Opalski
       Director, Oregon Operations Office
       (503) 326-3250

  Richard Kauffman
 Sr. Regional Representative Agency for Toxic  Substances & Disease Registry
 (206) 553-2632

  Dan Duncan
       Senior Environmental Engineer
       (206) 553-6693