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Parkersburg Apartment Owner Settles Violations of Lead Paint Notification Rule
Release Date: 12/18/2007
Contact Information: Donna Heron 215-814-5113 / [email protected]
PHILADELPHIA (December 18, 2007) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced that George C. Ross, Sr., of Vienna, W.Va., has settled alleged violations of a federal rule requiring disclosure of lead-based paint hazards to residential tenants.
The consent agreement resolves allegations that Ross, the owner and landlord of residential rental properties in Parkersburg, W.Va., constructed prior to 1978 when lead was removed from paint, violated requirements of the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 and of the Real Estate Notification and Disclosure Rule.
In the consent agreement with the EPA, Ross has agreed to pay an $11,500 civil penalty for failing to provide an EPA-approved lead hazard information pamphlet to lessees before they became obligated under lease agreements; provide a lead-warning statement to lessees; and a statement disclosing the presence of known lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards, or indicating no knowledge of the presence of lead-based paint. In addition, Ross was required to include a list of available records/reports pertaining to lead-based paint in one of the target housing units; and a statement for tenants to sign, affirming their receipt of any required Disclosure Rule information.
The violations took place in lease agreements entered into between November, 2004 and July 2005.
The settlement reflects Ross’ cooperation with EPA in resolving this matter.
EPA is cooperating with other federal, state, and local agencies to protect tenants and homeowners from the health risks of lead-based paint. High blood levels of lead can cause permanent damage to the nervous system and widespread health problems, such as a reduced intelligence and attention span, hearing loss, stunted growth, reading and learning problems and behavioral difficulties. Young children and pregnant women are most vulnerable – young children because their nervous systems are still developing. For more information on environmental, health, and legal issues involving lead, please visit

View selected historical press releases from 1970 to 1998 in the EPA History website.