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New EPA Action Aims to Improve Compliace with Underground Storage Tank Rule

Release Date: 10/09/2003
Contact Information:

Dave Ryan 202-564-7827 / [email protected]

(10/09/03) On Sept. 30, EPA issued revised performance measures for significant operational compliance with the Underground Storage Tank (UST) requirements to prevent and detect leaks. Operational compliance means that a facility not only has the required release detection and prevention equipment, but that the equipment is in use, functioning and properly maintained. This new measure will make it easier to determine compliance by storage tank owners and to evaluate the impact on human health and the environment. In the past, EPA and states had focused on ensuring that UST systems, like those at gas stations, were upgraded with equipment to prevent and detect leaks. EPA created the Office of Underground Storage Tanks in 1985 to carry out a Congressional mandate to develop and implement a regulatory program for underground storage tank systems. In 1988, EPA issued UST regulations covering technical and financial responsibility requirements and state program approval objectives. To obtain an electronic version of the revised performance measures, go to: .