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EPA Issues Two Grant Guidelines For State Underground Storage Tank Programs

Release Date: 01/24/2007
Contact Information: Roxanne Smith, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(1/24/07) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has issued two final grant guidelines for states, which will implement key provisions of the underground storage tank amendments of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The financial responsibility and installer certification grant guidelines require that an underground storage tank manufacturer or installer have the financial resources to clean up a site if a release occurs because of improper manufacture or installation. The public record grant guidelines require that a state's public record must include the number, sources, and causes of underground storage tank releases, tank compliance records, and data on tank equipment failures.

The financial responsibility and installer certification grant guidelines describe the minimum requirements states must meet in order to comply with the financial responsibility and installer certification provision contained in the act. The guidelines include definitions, requirements, criteria, and options for states choosing to implement the financial responsibility and installer certification provision. By Feb. 8, 2007, states receiving federal funds under Subtitle I of the Solid Waste Disposal Act must implement either these guidelines or the secondary containment grant guidelines EPA issued in November 2006. Because of the imminent deadline, EPA has flexibility, in appropriate cases, to continue assisting those states as they implement their programs if they are demonstrating good faith efforts and progress toward meeting the requirements.

The public record grant guidelines describe the minimum requirements states must meet in order to comply with the public record provision. The guidelines include developing and updating the public record, making the public record available, describing the minimum public record content, ensuring data quality, and demonstrating and ensuring compliance with the guidelines.

EPA provides funding to states through grants to regulate underground storage tanks. EPA worked with states and industry to develop the financial responsibility and installer certification grant guidelines and the public record grant guidelines.

Information on the grant guidelines: