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EPA recognizes the LA Convention Center as an “Earth-Friendly” Green Venue

Release Date: 04/22/2008
Contact Information: Francisco Arcaute (213) 244-1815, cell (213) 798-1404 [email protected] Felix I. Hernandez, LACC (213) 741-1151, ext. 5319, cell(213) 792-1948 [email protected]

The Los Angeles Convention Center diverts over 50% of waste and makes other environmental improvements.

Los Angeles, CA—April 22nd, 2008 –Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency honored the Los Angeles Convention Center for their commitment to environmental and sustainable practices.

The Los Angeles Convention Center is a partner of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s WasteWise program, which recognizes organizations for their waste diversion practices. Through WasteWise, the Los Angeles Convention Center has recycled and composted over 1500 tons of material for a total diversion rate of 55% over the last year.
The Los Angeles Convention Center plans to increase their diversion rates to 60%, a savings of over $67,000 in avoided disposal fees annually.

“We are very pleased with the Los Angeles Convention Center’s successful efforts to reduce waste and conserve energy,” said Nancy Lindsay, Director, Waste Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Pacific Southwest Region. “Every year, millions of visitors pass through convention centers and other large facilities, generating millions of pounds of trash per event. Not only can we help the facilities reduce their environmental footprint, but it is also an opportunity for us to educate their guests about benefits of environmentally sustainable operations.”

“Los Angeles is committed to making itself the cleanest and greenest big city in the nation,” stated City of L.A. Mayor Villaraigosa. “We take climate change and sustainability issues seriously. We are committed to improving our environment and the Los Angeles Convention Center is a prime example of our green promise,” added Villaraigosa.

“One of our core values as an organization is to incessantly and progressively devise, develop, and deploy environmental and sustainable improvements that will positively impact our environment and community,” said Pouria Abbassi, P.E., CEO & General Manager of the Los Angeles Convention Center. “We have coined the slogan ‘Earth Aware, Doing Our Share’ to better illustrate our goal of positioning Los Angeles as the recognizable industry leader for environmental stewardship,” added Abbassi.

The Los Angeles Convention Center recycles aluminum, steel, paper, carpet, concrete, gravel and plastic, while composting its landscaping waste and food waste. In addition, the Los Angeles Convention Center is enrolled in the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s (LADWP) Green Power Program at a level of 30% of the facilities energy consumption. The Los Angeles Convention Center also joined U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Green Power Partnership, a voluntary program that encourages
organizations to buy green power as a way to reduce the environmental impacts associated with purchased electricity use.

The Los Angeles Convention Center also uses 100% biodegradable food service ware, and is committed to attaining LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification from the U.S. Green Building Council. The Los Angeles Convention Center’s other potential environmental efficiency developments underway include: 1.) Underground chilled water storage project analysis to reduce peak hour air conditioning power usage, and 2.) Commitment to participate in LADWP’s Renewable Energy
program from 30% to 100% of consumption and, 3.) Replacement of additional lighting systems with more efficient units.

As part of its green venues outreach, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency offers assistance to convention centers, ball parks and other large venues interested in reducing their environmental footprint. Potential green venues partners select from a menu of options to improve environmental performance. The menu includes many existing U.S. Environmental Protection Agency partnership programs, such as WasteWise, Energy Star, Water Sense, Green Power and others. The variety of choices provides
opportunities for venues to focus on areas of interest and opportunity while taking advantage of existing U.S. Environmental Protection Agency programs.

For more information on the Los Angeles Convention Center’s Green Initiatives, please visit the Media Center’s fact sheet at

For more information on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s WasteWise program, please visit:

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