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EPA Announces Environmental Justice Grant to Groundwork Providence
Release Date: 11/02/2001
Contact Information: Peyton Fleming, EPA Press Office (617-918-1008)
Laura Archambault, Groundwork Providence (401-351-6440)
BOSTON - The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced that Groundwork Providence is among eight community groups in New England receiving a total of $175,000 in Environmental Justice grants.
Groundwork Providence received $10,000 for its Environmental Education Outreach Program. The project was designed to help residents and community groups in Providence's racially diverse West End neighborhood identify and assess environmental risks and pollution sources in the community.
The project will also help citizens devise strategies for environmental improvement and provide education and training on crucial environmental and public health issues, such as lead contamination, solid waste disposal, water pollution reduction and recycling through workshops and multilingual brochures.
"Environmental justice grants are a valuable tool to help ensure that all New Englanders, including those living in Providence's West End, are equally protected from environmental hazards," said Robert Varney, regional administrator of EPA's New England Office.
"This money will help be extremely helpful in pulling together various groups in the West End to increase their knowledge of urban environmental issues," added Laura Archambault, executive director of Groundwork Providence.
Seven groups received $10,000 to $15,000 grants through the Environmental Justice Small Grants program, which was launched in 1994 as a way to help ensure equal environmental protection and equal enforcement of environmental laws and policies for all people, regardless of race, color, national origin, culture or income. The eighth grant of $75,000 was awarded to a Connecticut group for a pollution prevention program.
The following grants also were awarded:
Action for Boston Community Development in Boston received $15,000 for its Healthy Homes/Healthy Kids project. The project is an environmental justice outreach program that addresses both housing and health problems as inextricably linked issues. ABCD will coordinate educational outreach on housing and health concerns by hosting a community forum and producing relevant radio and community television programs.
The Nuestra Comunidad Development Corp. in Roxbury received $15,000 for its Swifty Auto Mall Environmental Education and Prototype Project. The purpose of the project is to demonstrate that the auto service industry can be both environmentally-friendly and economically viable. Auto mechanics in the Roxbury and surrounding areas who participate in the program will be introduced to relevant environmental laws, how to comply with the laws, and how to go beyond compliance.
The Food Project in Lincoln received $15,000 for the Urban Agriculture and Capacity Building project. Through this grant project participants will use an urban agriculture program to educate peer organizations and participants at local and regional conferences about the connections between healthy food, healthy land, and healthy communities. Some of the award will also be used to increase food production in the urban agricultural program by 30 percent.
The Chelsea Human Services Collaborative in Chelsea received $15,000 for the Chelsea Green Space and Recreation Committee's project to address severe truck traffic in the city. The committee plans to involve 750 people in its campaign to reduce traffic.
The Maine Lead Action Project received $15,000 for its Healthy Children, Healthy Communities project. The group plans to partner with three coalitions in Houlton, Bath and Rumford to develop lead prevention and education intervention campaigns targeting low-income, high-risk population, with the ultimate goal of increasing the state-wide lead screening rate.
New Hampshire
The Way Home in Manchester received $15,000 for the Community Organizing for Environmentally Safe Housing project. The purpose of the project is to increase the city's stock of affordable lead-safe housing, and thereby reduce environmental hazards to children from low-income families.
The Connecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice was awarded $75,000 through the Environmental Justice Through Pollution Prevention Grant program to support its Diesel Information and Education Simply to Extend Life (DIESEL) Bus Project. The project will address the disproportionate amount of diesel bus emissions that the elderly and school-aged children are exposed to in the Bridgeport, Hartford and New Haven communities. The EJ Through Pollution Prevention Grant program funded projects like this one designed to help small business prevent pollution and foster partnerships between industrial facilities and communities.

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