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Cheney Goes Extra Mile to Treat Wastewater
Release Date: 7/16/1998
Contact Information: Andrea Lindsay
[email protected]
(206) 553-1896
July 16, 1998 - - - - - - - - - - 98-39
Not content to rest on its intake pipes, the City of Cheney’s Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation Plant has garnered top regional honors from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for excellence in Operations and Maintenance. Competing in the Medium/Advanced Wastewater Treatment category, the Cheney plant consistently demonstrated solid, all-around facility management to earn this year’s regional award.
EPA Officials report that the Spokane County facility has a strong history of compliance with their wastewater discharge, National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The facility has attained superior effluent quality through consistent biosolids management, effective process control and monitoring, and good collection system, laboratory, and financial management.
According to Terry Moan, Operations and Maintenance Coordinator for EPA in Seattle, the Cheney plant handles 2.7 million gallons of wastewater per day. "The Cheney plant deserves this award," said Moan. "Between its innovative control of dissolved oxygen and going the extra mile to remove organic pollutants, nitrogen and phosphorous, this outfit is truly a good example of operation and maintenance excellence."
Another notable attribute of this facility is a discharge polishing regime that includes a man-made wetland, which is adjacent to the mechanical plant.
EPA plans to present the award to the facility at the annual conference of the Pacific Northwest Pollution Control Association in Portland in October.
The Spokane County facility now goes on to compete for the National Operation and Maintenance Award later this year. The EPA awards program, a self-nominating competition, recognizes operational excellence in community service at the nation's essential wastewater treatment systems.
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