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Corpus Christi Plant Agrees to Pay Over $750,000 to Improve Emission Controls

Release Date: 08/29/2013
Contact Information: Joe Hubbard or Jennah Durant at 214-665-2200 or [email protected]

DALLAS – August 29, 2013) The MarkWest Javelina plant will invest over $650,000 for facility operations improvements that will reduce flaring events and improve communications with the local community. The gas processing plant will also pay a civil penalty of $97,500 to settle violations of the Clean Air Act uncovered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

The consent agreement addresses a number of violations occurring from Sept. 1, 2012 to Jan. 30, 2013.

“EPA is committed to reducing toxic air pollution from sources that have an impact on the health of our citizens,” said Ron Curry, EPA's Regional Administrator. “This agreement has a positive and direct impact on improving air quality and communication for the surrounding community.”

In addition to improving flare efficiency, the settlement requires that MarkWest Javelina improve operational reliability without increasing facility emissions and improve emission controls. The company will also establish a 24 hour hotline to answer any community questions about flaring events at the facility.

Today’s agreement continues EPA’s efforts to reduce emissions of toxic air pollutants, with a particular focus on industrial flares. These requirements focus on reducing the amount of waste gas sent to flares and on improving flare operations, both of which work to reduce toxic emissions. Improper operation of an industrial flare can send hundreds of tons of hazardous air pollutants into the air. More pollution results when waste gas is sent to a flare, or if the flare is inefficient. EPA wants companies to flare less, and when they do flare, to burn the harmful chemicals found in the waste gas.

EPA's goals include focusing on improving compliance among industries with significant potential for environmental harm due to air emissions located near communities.

The facility is required to pay the penalty within 30 days of filing the consent agreement.

More about activities in EPA Region 6:

Other Air News in Texas:

To date, EPA has issued all final greenhouse gas permits by the deadline. From pre-application consultations to post-application technical sessions, EPA’s permitting program helps Texas companies obtain their greenhouse gas permits within the one-year statutory deadline. The pre-consultation program has reduced the number of incomplete applications and helped many companies submit required information necessary to complete their permitting application. GHG permit applications are processed in order of a complete application submitted to the Agency. EPA has issued 18 final permits and is working on another 21.

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