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Input Sought -- Understanding Requirements and Saving Money

Release Date: 05/24//2005
Contact Information:

Contact: Stacie Keller, 202-564-4355 / [email protected]

(05/24/05) Compliance Assistance Centers, created through EPA sponsored partnerships with industry, academic institutions, environmental groups, and other agencies, help businesses, local governments and federal agencies understand federal environmental requirements and save money through pollution prevention techniques. Through websites, telephone assistance lines, fax-back systems, and e-mail discussion groups, the centers help address real-world issues. Once a year, the centers survey their users and first-time visitors on how well they are meeting their goals. The results of the surveys help the centers provide resources for environmental compliance.

To take the three minute survey and learn about incentives to respond, go to: Exit EPA .

To learn more about the Compliance Assistance Centers, go to: Exit EPA.