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EPA Approves Iowa's List of Impaired Waters

Release Date: 07/15/2008
Contact Information: Kris Lancaster, (913) 551-7557, [email protected]

Environmental News

    (Kansas City, Kan., July 15, 2008) - EPA has approved Iowa's 2006 list of impaired waters. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) submitted this impaired waters list to EPA for review and approval March 12, 2008. The Clean Water Act requires states, territories, and authorized tribes to develop lists of impaired waters every two years. By law, EPA must approve or disapprove those lists. This action is not related to the recent flooding in Iowa.

    EPA Region 7 Administrator John B. Askew said, "Iowa is making solid progress in assessing and restoring its waters. The upfront collaborative effort between IDNR staff and EPA helped us accurately identify Iowa's impaired waters. This is a big step toward cleaner water for the State of Iowa."

    EPA commends IDNR for its work in preparing the list of impaired waters. EPA and IDNR worked together to meet the two-year requirements. With this action, EPA is approving Iowa's decision to list 279 water bodies and associated pollutants. IDNR added 105 water bodies and removed 51 water bodies and associated pollutants from the impaired waters list.

    Web links

    EPA's July 14 Cover Letter
    EPA's Decision Document
    List of Impaired Waters

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