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Beyond Translation Forum in Houston, Texas

Release Date: 10/11/2007
Contact Information: Dave Bary or Tressa Tillman at 214-665-2200 or [email protected]

(Dallas, Texas – October 11, 2007) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in partnership with the Department of Health and Human Services, the City of Houston’s Department of Health, and the National Organization of Mexican American Rights, will host its second Beyond Translation Forum October 11-12, 2007, at the Hobby Marriot Hotel in Houston, Texas.

At the meeting with Hispanic community leaders, EPA and its partners will explore ways to further engage Hispanic communities as environmental stewards. EPA has been working closely on this effort with a broad range of Hispanic leaders in the region, from business and civic groups, health agencies and academic institutions, as well as local, state and federal agencies.

“With our partners, we’re finding better ways to meet the needs of our communities,” EPA Regional Administrator Richard E. Greene said. “Working together, we’re bringing healthier air and cleaner water to all of our communities.”

Federal, state and local agencies as well as private organizations supporting this year’s forum include the Department of Health and Human Services, the City of Houston Health Department, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Houston Health Museum, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services, National Organization for Mexican American Rights, University of Texas Medical Branch and School of Public Health, and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.

EPA and its partners hosted a student forum on October 10 prior to the Beyond Translation Forum. Over 200 students from Stephen F. Austin and Charles H. Milby High Schools in Houston attended. These schools are located in areas with a large Hispanic population. The forum supported the Houston Independent School District’s efforts to create a “college-bound culture” in its schools.

More information is available at
