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‘Texas Tin’ Superfund Site Ready for Productive Reuse

Release Date: 07/03/2003
Contact Information:

Dave Ryan 202-564-7827 / [email protected]

(07/03/03) On July 1, EPA and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality declared as successful the cleanup by BP Amoco Chemical Co., of its Tex Tin Corp.’s operational unit in Texas City. Returning land to productive reuse is a vital part of EPA’s strategy to address hazardous waste sites across the country. This announcement is the first Superfund “Ready for Reuse” designation for a former tin and copper smelter site in the nation. Under the Superfund hazardous waste site program, the “Ready for Reuse” determination allows a potential buyer to make informed decisions based on environmental status information verified by EPA and the relevant state environmental regulatory agency. EPA hopes the “Ready for Reuse” technical determination will reduce the stigma often attached to hazardous waste properties and help developers get more attractive rates in the lending and insurance markets. An emergency tin supply plant built during World War II, Tex Tin was later modified by a succession of companies until it closed in 1991 as a copper smelter. Over the years, industrial waste releases contaminated the property, and in September 1998, EPA designated the company a Superfund hazardous waste cleanup site. More information about EPA’s Ready for Reuse program is available at: . For information about the Tex Tin site, go to: .