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EPA issues second order to Wyoming company for endangerment of birds and wildlife

Release Date: 10/02/2006
Contact Information: Chuck Figur, 303-312-6915, [email protected] Randy Lamdin, 303-312-6350, [email protected]

(Denver, Colo. - October 2, 2006) The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency has issued a second Imminent and Substantial Endangerment Order to High Plains Resources, Inc., for conditions at their Parkman Reservoir facility in Johnson County, Wyo., that pose a threat to wildlife and migratory birds.

      The first such order was issued in May 2002. Under the 2002 order, the company agreed to construct and maintain netting around and over the two skim/slop pits to keep wildlife from coming into contact with the oily waste in the pits.

      EPA inspectors visited the site in August and September and found significant oily water contamination in the evaporation pit, and the required netting on the east skim/slop pit that would protect birds and wildlife was not in place. The inspectors found the oiled carcasses of several migratory birds and rabbits, as well as live birds and rabbits covered with oil near the evaporation pond.

      The company has been ordered to repair/replace the netting immediately. They must also conduct proper cleanup/remediation of the evaporation pond and prepare, submit and implement a Corrective Measures Workplan to ensure present and future protection of all wildlife in the area. If High Plains Resources fails to comply with the terms of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) order, they could face a fine of up to $6,500 for each day each violation of the order continues.

      High Plains Resources, Inc., operates a commercial oilfield disposal facility approximately 33 miles northeast of Kaycee, Wyo. The facility consists of an evaporation pond, two skim/slop pits and a tank battery.

      For more information on RCRA please visit: