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Blog Question of the Week: How do you heat your home?

Release Date: 12/22/2008
Contact Information: Media Contact (for media only; please leave responses as comments on the blog instead of sending email): Jeffrey Levy, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(12/22/08) Ever wanted to tell EPA what you thought on an environmental topic? Each week, you have your chance in the EPA blog, Greenversations. Each question is an open-ended blog entry; please share your thoughts as comments.

This week’s question:

How do you heat your home?
No matter how you do it, home heating is a major consideration in cold areas. Some people use traditional fuels such as oil or gas for home heat. Some use renewable fuels, for example wood or solar, to heat or add to the main heat source.

¿Cómo calienta su hogar?
No importa cómo lo hace, la calefacción del hogar es una consideración importante en áreas frías. Muchas personas utilizan combustibles tradicionales como petróleo o gas para la calefacción del hogar. Algunos utilizan combustibles renovables como la madera o la energía solar para calentar o suplementar la fuente principal de calefacción.

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