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National Environmental Compliance Assistance Clearninghouse

Release Date: 11/27/2002
Contact Information:

Teresa Libera 202-564-7873/[email protected]

(11/27/02) EPA’s National Environmental Compliance Assistance Clearinghouse, referred to as the Clearinghouse, makes it even easier to find environmental compliance assistance tools and resources through improved navigational features. The Clearinghouse is being relaunched, after first being launched in 2000 and provides links to more than 5,000 tools and resources developed by EPA, states, trade associations and other assistance providers. In addition to serving as a national repository of compliance assistance tools, interactive features allow visitors to exchange ideas and results with colleagues on a topic-specific bulletin board. EPA and state project planning and initiative information is also available. An easy-to-use online form enables Clearinghouse compliance assistance providers to quickly link the Clearinghouse to their compliance assistance tools and resources. Compliance assistance providers and the regulated community alike will find the Clearinghouse a valuable resource. The Clearinghouse can be accessed at: .