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Two Maine Teachers Win Environmental Educator Awards

Release Date: 06/28/2005
Contact Information:

Contact: David Deegan, EPA Office of Public Affairs, (617) 918-1017, [email protected]

For Immediate Release: June 28, 2005; Release # dd050605

BOSTON – Two Maine teachers were among 11 teachers in New England who were recognized recently by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for demonstrating exceptional work in drinking water education.

The Environmental Educator Awards were given out last month at the Governor's mansion during Drinking Water Week.

"EPA applauds this year's Environmental Educators," said Robert Varney, Regional Administrator of EPA's New England Office. "By sharing their knowledge about drinking water, these educators are developing the attitudes and commitment for our children to become stewards of this important resource."

The recipients in Maine were:

    • Steve Pomelow, a teacher at Wescott Jr. High in Westbrook, has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to drinking water education. Pomelow has partnered with the Portland Water District to bring water related educational opportunities to his students. Through his guidance, the students learned what a valuable asset water is and demonstrated their knowledge through classroom projects.
    • Rob Taylor, a former science teacher, has brought real-life science to the classroom and the lives of his 4th through 12th grade students. His proactive and dedicated environmental protection efforts over the past decade have given his students valuable real-life experience. Among his many accomplishments, Taylor and his high school students have partnered with the Livermore Falls Water District since 1994 to monitor water quality in Parker Pond, on of the sources of drinking water in the community.
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Related Information:
Environmental Educator Awards