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Whitman Visits Spain En Route to World Economic Forum

Release Date: 01/22/2003
Contact Information:

EPA - Luke C. Hester 202-564-7818 / [email protected]
U.S. Embassy, Madrid - Claud R. Young, Jr. 34-91-587-2509 / 34-670-913-910

(01/22/03) En route to Switzerland to participate in the World Economic Forum, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Christie Whitman is visiting Spain today and tomorrow at the invitation of Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar to sign a joint statement on bilateral collaboration on environment issues.

WHO: Christie Whitman, Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Jose Maria Aznar, Prime Minister, Spain
Don Jaime Matas, Minister of the Environment, Spain

WHAT: Bilateral collaboration agreement supporting 1994 Science and Technology Agreement with Spain; visit the control center near beaches affected by tanker oil spill in Galicia.

WHEN: Wed. and Thurs., Jan. 22 and 23

WHERE: Moncloa Palace, Madrid, and a Corina, Galicia


10 a.m. - Moncloa Complex, Madrid Briefing room, Secretariat of State for Communications

1 p.m. - Coordinating Center, Maritime Tower a Corina, Galicia

For credentials information, contact Claud R. Young (listed above)