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U.S. EPA, San Diego Foundation, Center for Civic Engagement Inaugurate Bi-National Park Space; U.S. EPA to Make Major Announcement on Border Funding

Release Date: 01/09/2014
Contact Information: Nahal Mogharabi, [email protected], 213-244-1815

LOS ANGELES—On Tuesday, January 14, EPA Regional Administrator Jared Blumenfeld, the San Diego Center for Civic Engagement and other state and local stakeholders will inaugurate the “Border Gateway to Nature” project at Border Field State Park in San Diego. In addition, Regional Administrator Blumenfeld will make a significant announcement on environmental funding benefiting both California and Arizona border communities.

“Border Gateway to Nature” was funded by the San Diego Foundation and EPA Border 2020 through a grant to 4walls International. 4walls constructed bi-national park space utilizing trash pulled from the Tijuana River Valley and tributary canyons. The project made use of thousands of discarded plastic soda bottles stuffed with trash for the construction of park benches and other infrastructure, which reduced the cost of raw materials such as cement, while increasing the structure’s strength. The re-purposed trash might have otherwise entered the Tijuana River, polluting the fragile ecosystem of the Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve in San Diego. Mexico’s Environment Ministry (SEMARNAT) is also contributing significant resources to the beautification of Los Sauces Park in Tijuana.

WHO: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Secretariat of Environmental and Natural Resources (Mexico’s Environment Ministry)

          San Diego Foundation, Center for Civic Engagement
          Border Environment Cooperation Commission
          California State Parks

          4Walls International

WHEN: Tuesday, January 14, 2014
10:00 a.m.

WHAT: “Border Gateway to Nature” Inauguration Ceremony, Border Funding Announcement

WHERE: Border Field State Park
      1500 Monument Road
      San Diego, CA 92154

    RSVP REQUIRED: *** Credentialed press who would like to attend and/or would like to request additional details should e-mail [email protected]. Please include your name, media affiliation, and contact information in your request.
