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EPA awards $263,443 for Pennsylvania’s wetlands program

Release Date: 01/17/2006
Contact Information: Roy Seneca (215) 814-5567

(1-17-06) PHILADELPHIA --The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded a $263,443 grant to support Pennsylvania’s wetlands programs.

“Wetlands are one of our nation’s most unique ecosystems, providing various environmental and economic benefits,” said Donald S. Welsh, EPA’s mid-Atlantic regional administrator. “By committing to protect and restore these valuable resources, Pennyslvania is taking big steps in protecting the environmental quality.”

The grant, awarded to Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection, will be used primarily to develop wetland monitoring strategies as part of the state’s traditional water quality monitoring programs.

The grant comes from a pilot wetlands project at EPA that was set up to study the effectiveness of state and tribal wetland programs. The project focuses on linking program activities to measurable environmental outcomes, particularly no net loss of wetlands, net gain of wetlands and the protection of vulnerable wetlands.

The funding covers a three-year grant period with one-third of the funding provided each year.
