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New York County and New Jersey Company Make EPA's List of Top Green Power Users

Release Date: 07/27/2009
Contact Information: Dave Ryan (202) 564-7827, [email protected]; Marie Metz (212) 637-5033, [email protected]

(New York, N.Y.) For the first time, EPA is recognizing the top 20 partners in its Green Power Partnership program and Nassau County, New York and Johnson & Johnson in New Jersey made the list. EPA’s Green Power Partnership is a voluntary program that encourages organizations to buy green power as a way to reduce the environmental impacts associated with conventional electricity use.

“We are proud to have two of EPA’s top Green Power Partners in our region and look forward to increasing that number in the future,” said Acting Regional Administrator George Pavlou.

Nassau County, New York ranks No. 6 on EPA’s Top 20 On-site Green Power Users list. The county uses more than 29 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of green power, which is equivalent to avoiding the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of nearly 4,000 passenger vehicles per year.

Johnson & Johnson, located in New Brunswick, New Jersey came in at No. 12, generating nearly 12 million kWh of biogas and solar power annually. In addition to its on-site generation, Johnson & Johnson also purchases renewable energy certificates (RECs) and utility green power products from 3Degrees, Liberty Power, NextEra Energy Resources, PNM, Reliant Energy, and Sempra Energy. Johnson & Johnson’s total green power usage of more than 386 million kWh is equivalent to avoiding the CO2 emissions of nearly 51,000 passenger vehicles per year.

Green power is generated from renewable resources such as solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, biogas and low-impact hydropower. On-site green power is deployed directly at energy user’s facilities rather than at central power plants. Green power electricity generates less pollution than conventional power and produces no net increase in greenhouse gas emissions.

EPA also updated its National Top 50 Purchasers list. This list represents the top 50 partners in the Green Power Partnership with the largest annual green power purchases nationwide. Deutsche Bank AG, located in New York, made its debut on the list at No. 24. Ninety-seven percent of Deutsche Bank’s purchased electricity is now green.

In total, the top 20 Green Power Partners are generating and consuming more than 736 million kWh of on-site green power annually. This is equivalent to the electricity needed to power more than 61,000 American homes annually. The partners’ contributions are helping to expand America's renewable energy portfolio, improve the nation’s energy security, and reduce their organization’s greenhouse gas emissions.

For more information about EPA’s Green Power Partnership:
For more details about EPA’s Top Partner Lists:
