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Release Date: 6/4/1997
Contact Information: For more information contact the Office of External Affairs at (214) 665-2200.

Almost $1 million in penalties were imposed by enforcement actions during the first quarter of 1997 in Region 6, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Regional Administrator Jane Saginaw announced in Dallas today.

The thirty-nine concluded enforcement actions consist of two cases decided in civil courts, two field citations and thirty-five binding agreements. Binding agreements with nine violators require an additional $1.8 million to be spent on environmental projects.

"While EPA works hard to help facilities comply with laws designed to protect our environment, it is also incumbent upon us to seek legal sanctions against those which choose to violate existing laws. Enforcement of this country's environmental laws is a cornerstone of EPA's mission," Ms. Saginaw said.

EPA Region 6 initiated 124 legal sanctions during the same reporting period. These enforcement actions range from requiring testing to ensure that underground storage tanks are not leaking to requiring that water treatment facilities meet coliform bacteria standards for drinking water.

Region 6 includes Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.
