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Suffolk County Government Becomes Green Energy Leader; Dannon, Mohawk Papers, HSBC, Sony, Bloomberg LP and Deutsche Bank also Honored

Release Date: 02/15/2011
Contact Information: John Martin, (212) 637-3662, [email protected]

(New York, N.Y.) Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that Suffolk County, New York has joined EPA’s Top 50 list of the largest green power purchasers in the country. Suffolk County, which obtains 90% of its electricity from green sources, outranks all but six local governments throughout the United States in the total amount of green energy used.

Green Power is generated from renewable resources such as solar, wind, geothermal, biogas, biomass, and low-impact hydropower. Purchasers of green power help accelerate the nation’s voluntary green power market and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other harmful pollutants that threaten Americans’ health.

“Suffolk County has set an example for local governments throughout the state by its use of clean and green power,” said Judith Enck, EPA Regional Administrator. “By transitioning to renewable sources of electricity, Suffolk is reducing its environmental impact and protecting people’s health. We encourage other communities to follow Suffolk’s lead.”

EPA’s Green Power Partnership is a voluntary program helping to increase the use of renewable power among U.S. organizations. There are hundreds of partners utilizing green power to reduce the environmental impacts from conventional electricity generation, including Fortune 500 companies, local, state and federal governments, trade associations as well as colleges and universities.

Other New York State-based organizations included in this year’s list Top 50 Green Power Partners include The Dannon Company of White Plains; Mohawk Fine Papers Inc. of Cohoes; HSBC of Buffalo; as well as Sony, Bloomberg LP, and Deutsche Bank of New York City.

More information on the Top 50 list:
More information on EPA’s Green Power Partnership:
