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EPA announces intent to partially delete Monticello Mill Tailings (USDOE) Site from National Priorities List
Release Date: 8/13/2003
Contact Information:
- (Denver, Colorado) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced its intent to partially delete the Monticello Mill Tailings (USDOE) Site in Utah from the National Priorities List and invited the public to provide comments on the partial deletion.
The National Priorities List is a list of top-priority hazardous waste sites that are eligible for extensive, long-term cleanup under the Federal Superfund Program. The area of the Monticello Mill Tailings (USDOE) Site to be deleted is designated as the Operable Unit II Non-Surface and Ground-Water Impacted Peripheral Properties. These peripheral properties (properties near the former Monticello mill site) consist of 22 of the 34 total properties that constitute Operable Unit II. Uranium mill tailings, primarily from windblown contamination, and tailings-contaminated material were removed from these properties to meet cleanup standards and the sites were restored with clean materials.
This partial deletion action is being taken because EPA, with the concurrence of the State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality, has determined that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), as the responsible party, has implemented all appropriate required response actions and that no further response is necessary. The Notice of Intent to Partially Delete and the Direct Final Notice of Partial Deletion of the Monticello Mill Tailings (USDOE) Site were published in the Federal Register on August 13, 2003. These Federal Register notices may be accessed via the Internet at the following address:
A paper copy of the Federal Register notices are available at the DOE Monticello Repository Site Office and the DOE Grand Junction Office Public Reading Room.
The public is invited to comment on the Direct Final Notice of Partial Deletion. Comments will be accepted between August 13, 2003 and September 13, 2003. To obtain more information regarding site deletion or to submit comments on the Direct Final Notice of Partial Deletion, contact:
Paul Mushovic
Remedial Project Manager
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 8
999 18th Street, Suite 300
Denver, CO 80202-2466
Telephone: 303-312-6662 or toll free 1-800-227-8917
Remedial Project Manager
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 8
999 18th Street, Suite 300
Denver, CO 80202-2466
Telephone: 303-312-6662 or toll free 1-800-227-8917
Partial Deletion of MMTS
Page 2
August 13, 2003
Public information repositories containing project-related documents are located at:
DOE Monticello Repository Site Office DOE Grand Junction Office
7031 South Highway 191 Public Reading Room
Monticello, UT 84535 2597 B 3/4 Road
435-587-2098 Grand Junction, CO 81503
Business Hours: 8 a.m. B 5:00 p.m. 970-248-6089
Monday through Friday Business Hours 7:30 a.m. B 4:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday
News Contacts:
Paul Mushovic EPA Region 8 Remedial Project Manager 303-312-6662
David Bird State of Utah Department of Environmental
Quality Project Manager 801-536-4219
Art Kleinrath DOE Program Manager 970-248-6037

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