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EPA awards $178,600 to Guam EPA for environmental information systems

Release Date: 10/15/2003
Contact Information: Dean Higuchi, (808) 541-2711

Funds to be used for National Environmental Information Exchange Network

HONOLULU -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency awarded a $178,600 grant to the Guam Environmental Protection Agency to develop environmental information and data sharing systems.

The grant will assist the Guam EPA in addressing its priority internal information technology while constructing links to the national network. The grant must be used for work that advances the quality and availability of environmental data.

"One of the biggest obstacles to reporting data to EPA is incompatible computer systems," said John McCarroll, manager of the EPA Pacific Southwest Region's Pacific Islands Office. "The grant to Guam will work in resolving technology transfer issues, with the long-term goal of an environmental information management system that gives both EPA and all of Guam's residents the best environmental data possible. This will ultimately better help protect Guam's environment."

Specifically, the funds will be used to:

-Identify information system improvements and develop a three-year information technology plan to upgrade the Guam EPA's environmental data management capabilities;

-Upgrade computer hardware and software, and develop database infrastructure;

-Update water quality monitoring data and identify other data sources that will be included in the information sharing network;

-Hire a new manager to oversee the network project.

The National Environmental Information Exchange Network enables the sharing of environmental data between states, territories, tribes and other partners over the Internet. When completed, the network will integrate state and federal environmental data, facilitate the reporting of data to EPA Headquarters, and improve data quality.

The network fosters the principles of the President's e-government initiative, which uses Internet technology to streamline reporting, improve the delivery of timely and reliable data to citizens and increase cooperation among federal, state, territory, and tribal authorities.

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