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U.S. EPA National Compliance Assistance Providers Forum 2002

Release Date: 11/07/2002
Contact Information:

Teresa Libera 202-564-7873/[email protected]

(11/07/02) EPA is hosting the National Compliance Assistance Providers Forum on Dec. 3-6. This annual event will be co-sponsored with Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and held at the Adam’s Mark Hotel in San Antonio, Texas. The theme for this year’s forum is “Optimizing Resources for Environmental Results.” The forum will provide an opportunity for governmental compliance assistance providers, industry, trade associations, consultants, academia and non-profits to share expertise, build skills and network. Forum highlights include panels, workshops and training on a variety of topics, including: partnering; pollution prevention; environmental management systems; Internet-based tools; homeland security; marketing and performance measurement. Field trips, exhibits and vendor displays also are planned. The deadline for registration for the forum is Dec. 2. There is no fee for the forum or field trips. A limited number of hotel rooms are available at the government rate. Exhibit space is still available. To view a tentative agenda, or to register for the forum, go to: or contact Sandi Jones of EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance at 202-564-7038.