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Tennessee Drinking Water Plant Operator Pleads Guilty

Release Date: 04/08/2005
Contact Information:

Contact: Stacie Findon-Keller, 202-564-4355 / [email protected]

(04/08/05) On March 21, Danny Hurd, former drinking water plant operator for the First Utility District of Hawkins County, Tenn., pleaded guilty to falsifying drinking water measurements. The plea states that from early 2000 to late 2002 the defendant falsified chlorine measurements of drinking water samples to the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation. Falsifying drinking water reports makes it difficult for regulators to determine if the drinking water delivered to households is safe for consumption. The defendant faces a maximum possible sentence of up to five years in prison and/or a fine of up to $250,000. The case was investigated by the Knoxville, Tenn., Office of EPA's Criminal Investigation Division. It is being prosecuted by the U.S. attorney's office in Greenville, Tenn.