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EPA Annouonces Availability of Administrative Record for ESB, Inc., Removal Site, Atlanta

Release Date: 08/04/2004
Contact Information: Kathy Robinson, (404) 562-8291, [email protected]
The United State Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced today that the Administrative Record for the ESB, Inc. Removal Site in Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia is available for public review.

The Administrative Record file includes documents that form the basis for selection of the removal action. Documents in the record may include but are not limited to preliminary assessment and inspection reports, test results, and the Action Memorandum. All interested persons are encouraged to review and comment on the documents.

The documents will be available for public review during normal business hours at the following locations:

Atlanta Public Library
525 Peeples Street, S.W.
Atlanta, GA 30310
Attn: Ms. Rosie Meadows

U.S. EPA Records Center - Region 4
Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center - 11
th Floor
61 Forsyth Street, S.W.
Atlanta, GA 30303-3104
Attn: Debbie Jourdan

EPA will accept comments regarding the Administrative Record during the public comment period which begins on August 6, 2004 and ends on September 5, 2004. Comments should be addressed to Chris Russell, Federal On-Scene Coordinator, U.S. EPA Region 4, ERRB, 11th Floor, 61 Forsyth Street, S.W., Atlanta, GA 30303-3104. At the end of the 30-day comment period, a written response to all pertinent comments will be prepared in a responsiveness summary and placed in the file.

ESB, Inc. is located at 1246 Allene Avenue, S.W. Atlanta, GA. The Site occupies 12 acres of land and has two abandoned buildings. The facility manufactured lead-acid automobile batteries.