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EPA Issues Order For Cleanup Of Oil Spill Near Lockport, Illinois

Release Date: 12/17/2010
Contact Information: Jayna Legg, 312-353-0562, [email protected]

No. 10-OPA152

Chicago (Dec. 17, 2010) – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 has issued an order setting deadlines for completion of cleanup and restoration work at a site near Lockport, Illinois, where an oil pipeline spill was discovered Tuesday.

The pipeline is owned by West Shore Pipe Line Co., and is operated by Buckeye Pipe Line Co., L.P. Approximately 21,000 gallons of oil were released in the vicinity of New Avenue in Lockport and Romeoville.

The EPA order requires West Shore and Buckeye to establish a work plan to complete cleanup and restoration of the spill area. The affected area is near wetlands that are home to several endangered species. EPA also is monitoring air quality to assess any potential impacts on the health and safety of workers and residents.

The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 designates EPA as the lead agency responsible for responding to inland oil spills. EPA is working closely with local and state responders, including local fire and police departments, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Conservation Police, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration.

The spill was discovered at approximately 7 a.m. Dec. 14, when local fire officials received a complaint about petroleum odors. Buckeye shut down the pipeline within the hour.

To view the order and other updates on EPA’s involvement in cleanup of this spill, go to online.

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