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EPA Awards City of Fort Worth $400,000

Release Date: 03/11/2010
Contact Information: Dave Bary at 214-665-2200 or [email protected]

(Dallas, Texas – March 11, 2010) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded $400,000 to the City of Fort Worth, Texas. The funds will be used by the city to identify and inventory Brownfields properties, conduct environmental site assessments and conduct outreach activities to inform citizens and communities about its communitywide Brownfields Program.

“Returning Brownfields to productive use is one of the most visible kinds of projects that demonstrate to the public the values that government can have on their daily life,” said EPA Regional Administrator Al Armendariz. “Fort Worth leadership in this program will have both economic and environmental benefits.”

Brownfields are vacant, abandoned or under-used properties with redevelopment potential that suffer from known or perceived environmental contamination. Addressing the nation's brownfields is an ongoing challenge for communities of every size. By focusing on redevelopment, properties are put back into productive use for communities while helping to keep undeveloped lands in a natural state.

“Brownfields are the next growth centers in the city of Fort Worth,” said Fort Worth Mayor Mike Moncrief. “This continued partnership with the EPA places much needed resources into revitalizing our neighborhoods as well as creating a viable economic development opportunity for all.”

The City of Fort Worth will receive $200,000 to conduct petroleum assessment activities. Additionally, the City will receive $200,000 to conduct hazardous substances assessment activities. The funds will also assist the city in obtaining information and tools it needs in connection with assessment and cleanup of Brownfields properties and return them to reuse or redevelopment.

Additional information on EPA grants:

Additional information on EPA Region 6 Brownfields Program:

More about activities in EPA Region 6:

EPA audio file is available at

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