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EPA Awards $274,914 Grant to Philadelphia Clean Air Council

Release Date: 01/15/2009
Contact Information: Donna Heron 215-814-5113 / [email protected]

PHILADELPHIA ( January 15, 2009) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded a $274, 914 Community Action for a Renewed Environment (CARE) grant to the Philadelphia Clean Air Council’s Southeast Philadelphia Port Communities project.

The CARE program is a competitive grant program that offers communities an innovative way to address the risks from multiple sources of toxic pollution in their environment. Through CARE, communities create partnerships with residents, businesses, schools, local governments and nongovernment organizations to come up with solutions geared to reduce toxic pollutants. In addition to providing funding, EPA also provides technical assistance and resources.

The Clean Air Council received a previous CARE grant in 2005. The new grant will continue the work on the Port Environmental Task Force. A significant portion of the work plan will include measurable toxic reductions at Packer Terminal and the nearby community in southeast Philadelphia.

The Clean Air Council, in partnership with southeast Philadelphia community leaders and port operators, has identified idling vehicles as a major concern.

Southeast Philadelphia, rich in racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity, is a densely populated, congested urban area with significant educational, economic, and quality of life challenges. The Clean Air Council takes a comprehensive approach to improving air quality, working to strengthen the community’s ability to identify toxic threats and facilitating the creation of collaborative, common sense strategies for addressing these threats.

In 2008, EPA made $2.5 million available to 18 communities through the CARE program. Applications for the 2009 CARE grants are due March 16.

Additional information about the CARE program: