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Great Lakes meeting to be held in Cleveland Aug. 23

Release Date: 8/19/2005
Contact Information:

CONTACT: Kären Thompson, (312) 353-8547

For Immediate Release
No. 05-OPA157

CHICAGO (Aug. 19, 2005) — The Great Lakes Regional Collaboration has scheduled the fifth of its six public meetings for Cleveland, Ohio, on Tuesday, Aug. 23 at the Cleveland Public Library Auditorium, Lower Level, Louis Stokes Wing, 525 Superior, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. The public meetings will provide a chance for people to comment on the Draft Strategy to Restore and Protect the Great Lakes. The plan may be viewed at Exit EPA disclaimer.

The plan was prepared by the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration, a partnership of federal, state, and local governments, tribes and other interested parties to work on Great Lakes environmental and natural resource issues. The collaboration was formed as a result of an executive order signed by President Bush in May 2004.

There will be an opportunity to speak and make comments at the meeting, only written comments will be considered. Comments may be submitted in three ways: offered at one of the public meetings, submitted via the Web site, or mailed to: Comments, Great Lakes Regional Collaboration, c/o U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Great Lakes National Program Office, 77 W. Jackson Blvd. (G-17J), Chicago, IL 60604-3511. The deadline for comments is Sept. 9, 2005.

For more information contact Nancy Guiden, EPA, at (312) 353-5006, [email protected], or David Ullrich, Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative, Northeast Midwest Institute, at (312) 201-4516, [email protected].

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