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Two Southeastern Retailers Receive “America’s Marketplace Recycles!” Award

Release Date: 04/27/2005
Contact Information:

April 27, 2005

Contact: Laura Niles, [email protected]: Phone: (404) 562-8353

(Atlanta, Ga.-April 27, 2005) Two Southeastern retail organizations received the “America’s Marketplace Recycles!” Award this month by the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for outstanding efforts and achievements to conserve resources, recycle, and purchase recycled content products at their retail locations.  The two retail organizations in the Southeast that were recognized are Office Depot in Delray Beach, Fla. and the Quintard Mall in Oxford, Ala. 

Office Depot in Delray Beach , Fla. was recognized as Outstanding National Retailer for their company-wide electronics recycling effort including more than 850 stores.  In seven weeks, this program collected over 10 million pounds of electronics gear, and approximately 5,000 employees helped process all of the incoming gear.

The Quintard Mall in Oxford, Ala. was recognized for Best Public Awareness Program.  The Mall sponsored a curbside recycling program and helped raise awareness of the importance of recycling.  Public awareness was heightened through a fashion show featuring clothing made from recycled materials.

The “America’s Marketplace Recyles!” Awards Program was designed to increase public awareness of the benefits of recycling and featured seven categories in order to fully encompass the diverse nature of the shopping center industry.  The featured categories included: Best New Recycling Program; Best Expansion of an Existing Recycling Program; Outstanding Retailer; Outstanding Mall Owner/Developer; Best Public Awareness Campaign/Promotional Event; Best Community Partnership/Beneficial Use of Funds; and Most Innovative Recycling Program.  In addition, from among the overall nominations, a single outstanding program was selected as the “Recycler of the Year.”  Ten ICSC members located throughout the country received the awards. 
