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EPA Accepting Proposals for Research in Market Mechanisms and Incentives

Release Date: 07/10/2003
Contact Information:

Suzanne Ackerman 202-564-7819 / [email protected]

(07/10/03) EPA is accepting applications for research grants to improve the effectiveness of market mechanisms and economic incentives that complement or substitute for traditional environmental management programs. Market mechanism and incentive (MM&I) programs rely on economic incentives, market forces, or financial mechanisms to encourage industries to reduce emissions, discharges and waste generation, and to generally improve companies’ environmental performance. EPA estimates that MM&I programs could potentially save $40 billion annually in the United States. The most notable example of an MM&I program is the highly successful sulfur oxides (acid rain) emissions trading program. These research grants will be issued under EPA’s Science to Achieve Results program, which funds environmental research through a competitive application process and independent peer review. The deadline for submitting proposals for these research grants is Oct. 22, 2003. For more information go to: