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Rio Rancho Receives $286,000 for Green Infrastructure

Release Date: 06/01/2011
Contact Information: Dave Bary or Joe Hubbard at 214-665-2200 or [email protected]

(DALLAS – June 1, 2011) The City of Rio Rancho, New Mexico is constructing a new well water infrastructure, including two surge tanks, duplex model air compressors and controls that will alleviate problems with pipe failures due to surges from the existing equipment. The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awarded $286,000 for the work.

EPA encourages citizens to take action to protect the nation’s waters. Americans drink more than one billion glasses of tap water per day and keeping water safe is a shared responsibility. Americans can do their part by staying informed, reusing containers, recycling and keeping pollutants away from the nation’s waterways.

Additional information on EPA grants:

More about activities in EPA Region 6:

EPA audio file is available at:

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