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MEDIA ADVISORY: Briefing on wrap-up of 20-year Milwaukee Superfund Cleanup Oct. 23, 1 p.m.

Release Date: 10/22/2009
Contact Information: Mick Hans, 312-353-5050, [email protected] Susan Pastor, 312-353-1325, [email protected]

No. 09-OPA206

(CHICAGO - Oct. 22, 2009) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 and Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources will brief media on the wrap-up of a 20-year effort to clean up the Moss-American Superfund site in Milwaukee, Wis. The project included significant dredging and the reroute of a portion of the Little Menomonee River.

The 88-acre Moss-American facility was located at the intersection of Brown Deer and Granville Roads. From 1921 to 1976, it was a wood preserver that treated railroad ties with a creosote and fuel-oil mixture. The company's waste disposal and operations caused contamination of site soil, ground water and sediment in the river. About 65 acres of the former property is now Milwaukee County park land. Union Pacific Railroad owns the other 23 acres.

The briefing begins promptly at 1 p.m. at the construction trailer near the intersection of Silver Spring Road and 107th Street. (Look for a nearby Marathon gas station.) EPA and WNDR staff will then lead the group on a 1/4-mile walk through a wooded area along the Little Menomonee River where the cleanup work is now wrapping up.

Please bring appropriate footwear-it may be wet or muddy-and outdoor clothing.

See more information at

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