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Federal Agencies Seek Input to Update Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Action Plan

Release Date: 05/13/2013
Contact Information: Peter Cassell, 312-886-6234, [email protected]

CHICAGO - The federal agencies and departments of the Great Lakes Interagency Task Force today announced opportunities for the public to provide input to a planned update of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Action Plan.

The updated Action Plan would direct Great Lakes restoration for fiscal years 2015-2019. The public may comment directly to the federal agencies and to the Great Lakes Advisory Board (GLAB), a panel of experts established to provide recommendations to the federal agencies.

“If you love the Great Lakes, these forums are a chance for you to help steer how we invest in their health,” said Cameron Davis, senior advisor to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator, who chairs the Task Force. Davis will facilitate all forums.

Comments may be given at any of the following scheduled meetings:

    · Tuesday & Wednesday, May 21-22 - Great Lakes Advisory Board Inaugural Meeting & Public Comment to GLAB:

    · Thursday, May 23, 2-4 pm Central - Webinar / Registration Web Link:

    · Tuesday, May 28, 6-8 pm Eastern - First Ward Community Center, 62 Republic Street, Buffalo, New York.

    · Thursday, May 30, 6-8 pm Central - Urban Ecology Center in Riverside Park, 1500 East Park Place, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

    · Monday, June 3, 5-7 pm Central - Webinar / Registration Web Link:

    · Wednesday, June 5, 6-8 pm Eastern - Cleveland Public Library, Louis Stokes Annex, 325 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.

    In February 2010, the Task Force released the GLRI Action Plan for FY2010-2014. The Action Plan identified goals, objectives, measurable ecological targets, and specific actions to help rehabilitate the Great Lakes.

    The Action Plan targets investments to reduce toxic contamination, rehabilitate fish and wildlife habitat, improve nearshore health, reduce nutrients and other land-based pollution, prevent invasive species, and promote accountability, education, and collaboration.

    More public comment opportunities may be announced.

    Please visit for updates or for more information on the GLRI.