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U.S. EPA fines Yuba City $2,400 for failing to update risk management plan

Release Date: 07/28/2009
Contact Information: Wendy Chavez, (415) 947.4248 [email protected]

*** News brief ***
(San Francisco, Calif -- 07/28/2009) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has fined the city of Yuba City, Calif., $2,400 for failing to update its risk management plans for its water and wastewater treatment plants. In its 2007 hazard assessment, the city failed to identify local parks and recreation areas, where people could potentially be affected if there were a chlorine release from the two treatment plants. The city also failed to certify that operating procedures were current and accurate as required by federal regulations, and certify that it had completed a compliance audit by a June 1, 2006 deadline, which is required every three years. The EPA discovered the violations during a routine inspection in December 2007. The city has since addressed all violations discovered during the inspections.

When properly implemented, risk management plans help prevent chemical releases and minimize potential impacts at facilities that store large amounts of hazardous substances and flammable chemicals. Facilities are required to update and resubmit their risk management plan at least once every five years, which is used by the EPA to assess chemical risks to surrounding communities and to prepare for emergency responses.

For information on the Clean Air Act/Risk Management Plan requirements, please visit the EPA’s Chemical Emergency Prevention and Preparedness website at:
