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National Automobile Dealers Association and EPA to Improve Energy Efficiency at Auto Dealerships

Release Date: 01/18/2007
Contact Information: Enesta Jones, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(Washington, D.C. - Jan. 17, 2007) At the 2007 Washington Auto Show next week, National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) and EPA will announce that they have joined the Energy Star Challenge and are encouraging their 20,000 automobile member dealerships to reduce energy use at more than 43,000 facilities nationwide by 10 percent or more. If auto dealerships reduced energy use by 10 percent they would save nearly $193 million and prevent over 1 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions.

Who: EPA Air and Radiation Acting Assistant Administrator William Wehrum
NADA Chairman – Elect Dale Willey
Congressman John Campbell (R-NC)

What: NADA joins Energy Star Challenge to reduce energy use of facilities

When: Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2007
12 p.m. EST Luncheon with press event to follow

Where: 2007 Washington Auto Show
Washington Convention Center
801 Mount Vernon Place, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20001

** Please RSVP for the luncheon to Isaac Post, [email protected]