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US Army Corps of Engineers, US EPA and Massachusetts DEP to Hold Public Information Meeting on Shpack Landfill

Release Date: 06/08/2005
Contact Information:

Contact: Angela Bonarrigo ([email protected]) (617) 918-1034

For Immediate Release: DATE; Release # ab050601

BOSTON - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection are hosting a public information meeting on Tuesday, June 21 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the JC Solmonese School, 315 West Main St. in Norton, Mass., to update the community on cleanup activities at the Shpack Landfill Site.

At the meeting, representatives from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will update the public on the status of the project and discuss field work that is scheduled to begin this summer to excavate radiological contamination from the site. In addition, the Corps will be presenting the proposed routes that will be used for transporting the contaminated material off-site for disposal at a permitted facility.

In September 2004, EPA finalized a Record of Decision for the site which calls for the excavation and disposal of about 35,000 cubic yards of waste that exceeds cleanup standards. The remedy, referred to as SC-3B, was selected after an extensive comment period during which the public and community leaders weighed in heavily in favor of excavating all waste exceeding the cleanup standards. Prior to issuing its final cleanup decision, EPA solicited public comment on a proposed remedy for the site. The final Record of Decision comprises two response actions: one managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and one led by EPA. In accordance with special legislation passed in 2002, the Army Corps of Engineers will be conducting the cleanup of the radiological contamination at the site.

The Record of Decision calls for the:

    • Excavation and off-site disposal of approximately 34,000 cubic yards of soil and 1,000 cubic yards of sediment from Chartley Swamp which exceed the radiological and chemical cleanup levels for the site.
    • Restoration or replication of impacted wetlands following the excavation, and the use of clean fill to backfill and bring open areas up to grade, as necessary.
    • Extension of the public water supply line to two residences adjacent to the site that currently have private wells.
    • Implementation of institutional controls to restrict future use of the property and groundwater.
The Shpack Landfill Site is an 8-acre abandoned domestic and industrial landfill that operated from 1946 to 1965. The site consists of land formerly owned by Lea and Isadore Shpack, now owned by the Town of Norton, and land formerly owned by Albert Dumont, now owned by Attleboro Landfill Inc. Approximately 5 ½ acres is on the Norton side of the town line and 2 ½ acres is on the Attleboro side. During operation, domestic and industrial wastes were accepted from local establishments.

Related Information:
Shpack Landfill Fact Sheet
Long-Term Cleanups