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Comment Period Extended until Jan. 14, 2015 for Proposed Cleanup Plan for Nuclear Metals Superfund Site in Concord, Mass.; Public Hearing will be Wed. Dec. 10

Release Date: 11/25/2014
Contact Information: Kelsey O’Neil, (617) 918-1003

BOSTON – Following requests from the public, EPA is extending the public review and comment period on its Proposed Cleanup Plan for the Nuclear Metals Superfund Site in Concord, Mass.

Public comments on the Proposed Cleanup Plan will be accepted through Jan. 14, 2015. EPA will also hold a formal public hearing, where oral comments will be accepted on the Proposed Plan, on Wed. Dec. 10, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at the Concord Town House, 2nd Floor, 22 Monument Square, Concord, Mass.

The Proposed Plan explains the various cleanup options being considered by EPA for the Site, including EPA’s preferred cleanup alternative. The document is available at: .

EPA held a Public Informational meeting on the Proposed Cleanup Plan on Nov. 12. EPA initiated the formal public comment period on the Proposed Cleanup Plan on Nov. 13, 2014.

Written comments may be mailed, faxed, or emailed to:

Melissa Taylor
Superfund Project Manager
US EPA Region 1
5 Post Office Square, Suite 100
Mail Code: OSRR07-4
Boston, MA 02019-3912

email: [email protected]
FAX: 617-918-0310

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