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School Siting Workshop to be held in Atlanta, Ga.
Release Date: 05/07/2013
Contact Information: Dawn Harris-Young, (404) 562-8421, [email protected]
ATLANTA – Representatives from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Georgia Conservancy, Mothers & Others for Clean Air will present a train the trainer workshop on how to effectively deliver the training program, Old School, New School, This Place, That Place—An Introduction to Utilizing the EPA School Siting Guidelines on June 14, 2013.
The Georgia Conservancy, the Georgia Chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council, and Mothers & Others for Clean Air developed a training program based on EPA’s School Siting Guidelines called, Old School, New School, This Place, That Place to guide school board members, administrators and personnel, planners, and other decision-makers through the children’s health and environmental impacts that should be considered when making difficult decisions regarding school siting, school closure, or school renovations.
WHO: EPA, Georgia Conservancy, Mothers & Others for Clean Air
WHAT: School Siting Workshop
WHEN: Friday, June 14, 2013 from 10:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. EST
WHERE: Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center
61 Forsyth St. SW
Atlanta, Ga. 30303-8960
On October 3, 2011, EPA released the final School Siting Guidelines. These guidelines can be used to help communities protect the health of students and staff from environmental threats when selecting new locations for schools. The new voluntary guidelines will help local communities consider environmental health issues in establishing school site selection criteria and in conducting effective environmental reviews of prospective school sites. The guidelines recommend involving the public throughout the site selection process to help ensure community support for these decisions.
To register for the workshop, please visit
For more information about EPA’s School Siting Guidelines, please visit
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