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EPA Sets May 29, 2013 for Community Information Session on Cleanup Status Involving Motiva's Pickett Road Terminal Leak

Release Date: 05/23/2013
Contact Information: Donna Heron / [email protected] or 215-814-5113

Wednesday, May 29, 2013 at 7:30 p.m.

Mantua Elementary School
9107 Horner Court
Fairfax, Va.

Representatives from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Mid-Atlantic Region

The information session will focus on site cleanup. It will take place during the regular meeting of the Mantua Community Association.

After 18 years of operation, the Mantua groundwater remediation system has cleaned up the vast majority of the petroleum that had been released to the Mantua community groundwater from the Motiva Oil Terminal.

During 2009, at the request of Motiva, EPA approved a temporary shutdown test of the Mantua groundwater remediation system to collect data to determine whether a permanent shut down of the Mantua system is warranted.

The data gathered from the temporary shutdown test has been reviewed by a technical workgroup composed of representatives from the EPA, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, the City of Fairfax, Fairfax County, and the Mantua Community.

EPA will present the findings from the temporary shutdown test and take questions on future plans. Data shows that the system's performance has reached the point of diminishing returns. Based on a review of the data and input from the technical workgroup, the shutdown of the Mantua treatment system is now warranted. For more information on the site go to: