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EPA to Conduct Air Monitoring in Treece, Kan.

Release Date: 08/31/2009
Contact Information: Debbie Kring, (913) 551-7725, [email protected]

Environmental News


(Kansas City, Kan., Aug. 31, 2009) - The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will place air monitors in Treece, Kan., in September to test for lead and other metals. This action is a direct response to citizen concerns about air quality shared during a recent tour and listening session held at Treece City Hall.

The monitors will be used to sample for lead and other heavy metals. The samples from each monitor will be evaluated and, in turn, form the basis of a summary report that describes the air concentration. After the evaluation, results will be available on EPA's Web site, along with historic air monitoring from Treece, and the other Cherokee County subsites. Previous air monitoring was discontinued years ago when results showed no levels above National Ambient Air Quality Standards.

For additional information about EPA's role in the Treece community or inquiries about any other lead-related Superfund activities in Region 7, please feel free to visit our Web site.
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