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EPA Settlement to Help Protect Carroll County Waters From Runoff Pollution

Release Date: 06/24/2014
Contact Information: David Sternberg (215) 814-5548 [email protected]

(PHILADELPHIA- June 24, 2014) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced that Carroll County, Md. has settled alleged violations of Clean Water Act regulations that protect waterways from polluted stormwater runoff.

In the consent agreement, Carroll County agreed to pay a $40,000 civil penalty to settle violations of the County’s Clean Water Act permit for stormwater discharges from the County’s storm sewer system. In addition to the penalty, Carroll County signed an administrative order which included a schedule for correcting the violations.

Polluted runoff flows into stormwater collection systems, which discharge into rivers and streams, and can harm water quality for drinking, fishing and swimming. EPA’s stormwater regulations control pollution from sources such as: city streets; impervious surfaces; construction sites; and, land disposal of waste. These regulations require municipalities to obtain discharge permits.

EPA’s complaint specifically cited Carroll County for failing to:

    · Identify and map all stormwater outfalls.
    · Develop and implement required procedures to inspect active construction sites.
    · Ensure that all county facilities were properly permitted and inspected for compliance.
    · Develop a hotline for residents to report illicit stormwater discharges.

As part of the settlement, Carroll County did not admit liability for the alleged violations, but has stated that it is now in compliance with applicable Clean Water Act requirements.

For more information about EPAs stormwater program, visit;