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Sacramento non-profit ReLeaf wins bid for Federal Environmental Education Grant

Release Date: 03/19/2012
Contact Information: Mary Simms, 415-947-4270, [email protected]

Nearly $100,000 in competitive subgrants will be available for California communities

SAN FRANCISCO -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is awarding $150,000 to California ReLeaf, a nonprofit organization based in Sacramento, Calif., aimed at enhancing environmental education. ReLeaf’s mission is to empower grassroots efforts to preserve and protect California's urban and community forests.

California ReLeaf will announce a solicitation for their small grant program in August 2012, and after a review process, will award up to $5,000 to each qualified organization. Eligible applicants include any local educational institutions, colleges or universities, state education or environmental agencies, and nonprofit organizations.

“These EPA funds will infuse new life into local environmental programs at a time when communities are facing tight budgets,” said Jared Blumenfeld, EPA’s Regional Administrator for the Pacific Southwest. “I encourage schools and community groups to apply for these grants to enhance the stewardship of urban forests in their own yards and cities.”

"Today's announcement is a significant win-win for Sacramento,” said Kevin Johnson, Mayor of Sacramento. “This grant will ensure our region continues to be a national leader in the green movement and enhances our efforts to improve the region's ‘Green IQ’ – a key goal when we started the Greenwise Joint Venture. With the investment of the EPA, Sacramento is primed to help educate the next generation of environmental leaders and take its commitment to green to the next level."

Nearly $100,000 of EPA’s grant money will be redistributed by ReLeaf for 20 community projects that will engage local citizens in creating effective opportunities for environmental education learning through projects centered on tree planting and tree care. Sub-awardees will need to reach a diverse array of audiences within local communities by implementing projects designed to provide environmental education on urban forestry benefits related to air, water and climate change throughout California. The projects should provide hands-on education, give communities a sense of "ownership," and develop life-long behavior changes leading to further positive actions.

The EPA’s environmental education sub-grants program is a competitive program to increase public awareness about environmental issues, and give project participants the skills necessary to make informed environmental decisions. Approximately $150,000 will be awarded to one applicant in each of EPA’s ten Regions to manage this program.

For more information about California ReLeaf's sub-grant competition that will launch in mid-2012, please send an e-mail to [email protected].

For more information about EPA’s environmental education program in Region 9 contact Sharon Jang at [email protected].

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